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  • Dr. Monique Akassi to Participate in Juneteenth Celebration - WLU: News & Media Relations

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:15:21

    WLU: News & Media Relations

    Official News Source of West Liberty University

    WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., June 14, 2022 — West Liberty University will be represented at the Wheeling celebration of Juneteenth 2022 with a weekend of public activities.

    Special Assistant to the Pr

  • Pamplin Media Group - Upcoming events for 2022

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:15:16

    OLD TIME FAIR — Everybody enjoys a traditional old-fashioned fair. In West Linn, you'll have a chance to attend the Old Time Fair, which returns this year. The event runs from Friday, July 15, through Sunday, July 17. The fair will be held at Willamette Park, 1100 12th St.in West Lin

  • Pamplin Media Group - Upcoming events for 2022

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:15:14

    OLD TIME FAIR — Everybody enjoys a traditional old-fashioned fair. In West Linn, you'll have a chance to attend the Old Time Fair, which returns this year. The event runs from Friday, July 15, through Sunday, July 17. The fair will be held at Willamette Park, 1100 12th St.in West Lin

  • Cine wanderer: post-colonial Dakar | Sight and Sound

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:54

    This flâneur does anything but stroll in a Senegalese drama about colonial legacy.

    Sign up for Sight & Sound’s Weekly Film Bulletin and more

    News, reviews and archive features every Friday, and information about our latest magazine once a month.

    In writing and reading

  • Playing at Blair Park in Urbana with Your Family - ChambanaMoms.com

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:49

    The Top Online Resource for Champaign-Urbana Area Families

    June 16, 2022 By From The Editors

    Champaign-Urbana playground aficionados know that there is no shortage of fun, interesting equipment in the parks across our towns. But have you seen one with a zipline? Blair Park̵

  • How to Play Bongo Drums? Start Today - DRUM! Magazine

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:46

    The bongo drums are an instrument that originated in West Africa, but it became popular across the world, especially in Latin music. They are not only fun instruments, but they are also relatively easy to play.

    The bongos are usually placed between your knees and played by hitting the dr

  • Youth Rhythm Workshop to feature African instruments, range of lessons

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:44

    Jun. 18—The Kokomo Park Band's Youth Rhythm Workshop was started 27 years ago. Throughout the 26 years of classes — 2020 classes were canceled due to COVID-19 — the program has had one teacher.

    Art Reiner, a percussion instructor for the University of Indianapolis, said he cont

  • Youth Rhythm Workshop to feature African instruments, range of lessons

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:43

    Jun. 18—The Kokomo Park Band's Youth Rhythm Workshop was started 27 years ago. Throughout the 26 years of classes — 2020 classes were canceled due to COVID-19 — the program has had one teacher.

    Art Reiner, a percussion instructor for the University of Indianapolis, said he cont

  • Harry and Jackie: LSU's only tap dance ukulele duo | News | lsureveille.com

    by admin on 2022-06-18 23:14:37

    LSU sophomore math major Harrison Gietz (left) and sophomore film and tv major Jackie Johnston (right) perform a song and dance on Saturday, April 23, 2022, outside of Coates Hall in the Quad in Baton Rouge, La.

    LSU sophomore math major Harrison Gietz (left) and sophomore film and tv maj